 StageVideoHelper This class is designed to help with setting up and using Flash Player 10.2 StageVideo technology with a fallback to the Video Object if StageVideo is not available on the end user's system With stage video, the StageVideo object does not sit inside the Flash Player display list but sits behind the stage instead. IMPORTANT NOTES ABOUT USING STAGE VIDEO StageVideo is only available in Flash Player version 10.2 and higher and must be developed with the Flex SDK 4.5 (Hero) or higher You must define the swf version with a compiler flag with -swf-version 11 WMODE in the embed tag must be set to wmode="direct" to allow direct access the the client's GPU, otherwise GPU access will be denied and this class will be forced to fallback to the normal Video Object Due to the fact that the StageVideo Object sits behind the stage - When using stagevideo with Flex, you MUST set the s:Application backgroundAlpha="0" Due to the fact that the StageVideo Object sits behind the stage - When using stagevideo in Flash, you MUST make sure no DisplayObjects cover the stage
 StageVideoHelperEvent This event class is dispatched by the StageVideoHelper class when the video objects render state changes